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Put your heart and soul into your resume, don't ""dry up"" the text with paperwork. But do not overdo it either. Choose between a statement of facts and a list of skills, and add a taste of uniqueness.

The employer should see you as both a specialist and a career-oriented person. A professional who will benefit the company from collaboration and a person who will be comfortable working with.

A resume is the first step in your search for a prestigious and well-paying job, and you should get an interview. Make it literate and persuasive.

A well-written resume allows you to attract more interested employers and speed up employment. Thus, a summary is a self-report in writing written by the employer. You list your professional skills, personal qualities, contacts, and achievements in it.

How to write a resume

Your resume is your calling card: it is how employers get to know you. Sometimes an illiterate statement of your skills can cause rejection, even from an experienced and qualified professional. That's why it's important to remember the four principles on which an effective resume template for job applications is based:

Compactness. To learn how to present information about yourself in your master's thesis, focusing on the most important things. Remember that your resume should fit on one A4 page.

Focus on the key points of education, work experience, and special skills. And don't try to cheat by reducing the font size and line spacing.

Specifics. Names of educational institutions and organizations in which you happen to work should be specific. Also, note the time frame. It is desirable to indicate the exact dates.

Credibility. Provide only accurate information about yourself. Do not ascribe any non-existent regalia or skills. Do not show your foreign language knowledge if you only learned a dozen or so words. The same goes for computer knowledge and other specific issues. Lies will reveal themselves either at the interview or in the first few weeks of employment. If you go to a staffing agency, you will be exposed even earlier, as the staff carefully checks the credibility of your resume.

Selectivity. Include in your resume only information that is directly relevant to the position you're applying for. Do not rewrite information that contains sample resumes for the job. The sample is only a guide.

Important information

Writing a competent, persuasive resume is not a matter of five minutes. Take some time to create a template and base and customize it as needed.

It will be good if the document will have your picture: a small but good quality. This will add pluses to a favorable decision, and your resume won't get lost in the pile of nameless and dry official competitor presentations.

Rely on professional cv writing service. Unique texts always stand out from the pattern; you'll have a chance to catch an employer's attention.

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